It appears that the activity tab can only generate 5 pages of activity. For me, this means that my network activity when filtered to show posts ends in early September 2020 and, as I write more answers more of my history will be unavailable on this page.

This hampers the ability for me to use my network profile page. For example, I link to it on my site with the intention of letting people see my contributions to the Stack Exchange network. However, it's not very useful if that history is only a few months of contributions.

This isn't the only issue with the network profile. In the past, I've pointed out that links are broken, meaning that an About Me that links to other sources doesn't function.

The more I try to use Network Profiles, the more issues I run into. It seems like some effort should be put into discovery and thinking about how to make Network Profiles work for everyone and not give false surface-level impressions about what can be done through the profile.



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