In a recent discussions about spam in users' profile on MathOverflow Meta I noticed the comment saying that recent badges appear not only in the help-center. (I did not notice that until now.) I will quote the comment here:
This problem lately seems to affect MO and four other StackExchange sites (Stack Overflow, Server Fault, Super User, and Ask Ubuntu). What seems to be a particular problem for MO is that these spam users show up on the main page under Recent Badges; I for one don't see Recent Badges on any other SE site. And while I don't lose sleep over it, it is a nuisance, and I dislike the idea of such users getting free advertising on MO.
Indeed, if I go to I see the list of recent badges. (I have added screenshot below.)
Question. Which sites in the network show the list of recent badges on their frontpage (or in some place different from the /help/badges page)?
I am asking partly out of curiosity and partly before on such sites the spam in users' profiles seems slightly bigger problem. (This problem has been discussed before, for example, the question "Spam Profiles are getting my goat. Could we have better tools for mods to deal with profile spam?" and other posts linked there.)