If I write a word that itself contains a hyphen, and it happens to be near the end of a line, then it will get split at the hyphen during word wrapping.
But sometimes this has undesirable (to me, anyways) results. For example, in a recent post I made, I typed this:
- The active chemical in most consumer-grade CA glues† is ethyl 2-cyanoacrylate (CAS [7085-85-0][cas]).
And it ended up rendered like this:
If "7085-85-0" was actually a word, it'd probably make sense, but it's a numeric identifier whose format contains hyphens, so it's a little awkward to split it. Plus, only one character ended up on the next line.
Is there some way (or hack) to prevent certain words from being split, when that word contains a hyphen? I.e. to have it be treated like a non-hyphenated word?