Similar to the new @user feature, I am interested in a feature wherein if I preface a comment to one of my own posts with "@Downvoters", a notification would be sent to all users that downvoted that post.
This is similar to this previous request.
Similar to the new @user feature, I am interested in a feature wherein if I preface a comment to one of my own posts with "@Downvoters", a notification would be sent to all users that downvoted that post.
This is similar to this previous request.
I've thought more about this, and frankly... I don't like the idea of leaving a comment for down-voters at all, with or without notification. Down-voting isn't supposed to open a dialog - new users are encouraged to comment when down-voting, but it's not mandatory - and if they don't feel the need, that's just fine.
Furthermore, I've seen too many instances where a "Why the downvote?" comment poisons further discussion, turning comments into a debate over whether the vote was merited - this is noise, as comments are supposed to be relevant to the content of the post itself. In most cases - and especially when comments have already been posted prior to the request - I flag or delete these downvoter-addressed comments.
It's easy to feel frustrated, when you put substantial effort into a post only to see it down-voted without explanation. But this is an attitude that must be discouraged rather than justified. Remember: voting is primarily a means of communicating with other readers and with the system itself; comments should be reserved for providing auxiliary information, suggestions, and constructive criticism to the author. They're two separate mediums, and need to stay that way.
Now, if you notice your post being down-voted and honestly want advice on improving it - regardless of whether or not that advice comes from the same users who down-voted it - by all means, ask for suggestions! Just stay focused on the content, not the voting or other users:
Can anyone suggest improvements or corrections to this?
@Downvoter, please leave a comment. Rawr!
Stupid anonymous down-voting cowards!
Why the downvotes???
@downvoter I believe I have improved the quality of my qeustion please have another look
. An alternative is to notify somehow all the voters on a post(question or answer) when it is edited, but I believe the feature requested here is more reasonable.
Mar 27, 2013 at 9:17
What if my username is Downvoter?
I wouldn't mind too much, as long as the identities are still kept secret, as I see the use for good this could have.
But I see a much bigger problem for heavy downvoters (of which some argue there are not enough), who might be constantly anoyed by the notifications.
Are you a grouch? [Yes] [No]
I am interested in a feature...
How would this improve Stack Overflow questions and answers?
As far as I can tell, all it will do is provide a communication path for people to complain.
Personally, I believe people worry too much about downvotes. Yes, it would be nice to know why, but what would that accomplish, other than starting many arguments that won't actually result in a better question or answer?
This feature enables the OP to spam down voters... for what purpose?
My emotional response is that I'd want this feature, but having thought about it and read the arguments, I'm against it.
A large part of the success of SO is the emotional investment that gets users hooked and comes from the game-like aspects of the site, such as votes and reputation. This can lead users to forget the real point of the site in their quest for increasing their feeling of peer approval (not necessarily rep), and in turn leads to emotional outbursts when they receive negative feedback. I suspect most "Downvoter, please explain" comments are of that emotional nature (I've certainly done it and nothing good has ever come of it), it's not generally helpful and shouldn't be encouraged.
Definitely in support of this. I keep having this same idea, and today I thought: I'll just check to see if someone's suggested it yet. And you had.
Other than the effort required to implement it, the only real downside is that downvoters have to deal with the notifications. I think if you downvote without comment, dealing with the odd "@downvoter" comment in your inbox is not a problem.
Also recommend "@closevoter" for people who've voted to close questions. Easily 95% of the time, people vote to close questions correctly and there's an obvious reason why. The other 5%, though, it'd be good to be able to ask them why.
to tell those who upvote crap what kind of idiots they are. And @reopener
as well as @undeleter
for similar purposes.
Feb 20, 2015 at 1:08
I believe we really need this feature. Downvoting a question costs no reputation and I think users tend to loose track of those, yet the feature may be useful for answers too. For me the best usage of this feature should be @downvoter I believe I have improved the quality of my question, please have another look
. I also think that @downvoter please explain why the downvote
is a useful comment though most users tend to disagree.