As a social experiment, I'm curious to know if users in certain countries up-vote more than others. Maybe the answers help users in some regions more than others, or maybe users in those regions are quicker to the upvote. Or maybe it's totally random.
I tried to group my upvotes by hour-of-day in SEDE, which might give an indication of trends by continent, but the time in the Votes.CreationDate
is scrubbed for privacy reasons. So is Votes.UserId
. Is there any way to figure this out, with or without Data Explorer?
Here's the SEDE query I started working on (and abandoned):
-- PostTypeId = 1:Questions, 2:Answers
-- VoteTypeId = 2:Upvotes, 3:Downvotes, 5:Bookmarks
declare @UserId int = ##UserId##
DATEPART(hour, v.CreationDate) vote_hour,
FROM Votes v, Posts p
WHERE v.PostId = p.Id
AND p.OwnerUserId = @UserId
AND p.PostTypeId = 2
AND v.VoteTypeId = 2
GROUP BY DATEPART(hour, v.CreationDate)
ORDER BY vote_hour;