I was googling some problems and noticed some results (on the first page) pointing to
All results seem to go through the same 'proxy id' (3567586363.proxy.jyj.lf.gov.cn).
The pages don't load when I try to access them (I am outside mainland China).
- How can Google spiders index these pages?
- Why does 3567586363.proxy.jyj.lf.gov.cn let the proxied pages get indexed by Google?
- Is this against Stack Exchange's terms and conditions or can I proxy it myself and publish it?
- I am guessing that people in China can access Stack Exchange this way. How can users find it? Do they have to know the proxy URL? Or does the Great Firewall make that proxy transparent to the users, so they can access the website normally via stackexchange.com?
- My second assumption is that Stack Exchange is deemed vital for Chinese industry, so the government want its citizen to able to access it. Are there other pages where this applies?