Currently a user is not notified for minor edits to their question, including tag-only edits. Can we make an exception to this rule when the edit involves moderator-only tags, such as the status-declined or status-completed tags?
I think it is helpful to know if your bug got fixed, or it was declined to be fixed or wasn't reproduced. While most of the time staff also post an answer or comment when tagging, in some of those cases they don't leave a response, so the user is never notified of the decision.
Can we make it so that when an edit involves the addition (or removal) of a moderator only tag, the OP gets a notification of that edit?
To quote Tim Post in a prior discussion:
[The current behavior is] not good design, mostly because it's based on assumptions that we'd leave a response when putting a status tag on something. But practically speaking, that's not always possible, especially when putting status tags on posts closely related to others that warrant receiving them after a bug was fixed, or new functionality, or whatever.