I asked this question and noticed that it was <title>'ed as "drywall - How should you insulate ..."

Primarily the question is about insulation, however: the question does mention drywall, and drywall is relevant to the question so both "insulation" and "drywall" are listed as tags ...but it would make more sense if the <title> was "insulation - How should you insulate ..."

This meta answer points out that the prefix in the title is "the most popular tag that doesn't already appear in the title."

Meta Question:

Does this <title> prefix (ie, "drywall -") indicate some kind of placement, prioritization, categorization, or otherwise affect visibility to other potential answer writers (users) within SE?

  • If so: then it would be nice to have control of the tag.
  • If not: ok, then is it just SEO sugar?
  • 4
    The prefix comes from the question's tags sorted by popularity (ref. How is the tag chosen to prefix the title?). With ~1.9k questions [drywall] is more popular than [insulation] (at ~1.6k questions), so that is the tag which is used in the title. Sep 2, 2022 at 23:18
  • 6
    Your question is a bit split. If the question is "how are the tags chosen to prefix the title," it's a duplicate of the above linked Q & A. If this is meant to be a feature request, then it would be helpful to expand upon that part to include some more details about why this would be beneficial and what the tag change process might look like. Sep 2, 2022 at 23:20
  • 3
    Do you only want to change it for this particular question? Be able to override the decision for individual questions? If not, what should a new general rule be? Manually set the priority between various tags? E.g., tag X always overrides tag Y? Or tag X gets a 77% higher weight (as an example)? Or some other rule(s)? Sep 3, 2022 at 0:30
  • By "Can it be changed?" do you mean changed for you personally in your browser (e.g. with a userscript; "yes") or do you mean for all users ("no")? Do you mean "is there a way that we can specify which tag to use for that while keeping all the current tags?" ("no") Something else? Please edit to clarify what you are intending.
    – Makyen
    Sep 3, 2022 at 2:01
  • @HenryEcker, updated question. btw, do I have to tell you (and others?) the question was updated or will it notify you and everyone else who commented?
    – KJ7LNW
    Sep 3, 2022 at 7:22
  • 1
    @KJ7LNW it won't notify people, but most active people see that its up again in the active sort of the question list, as it was edited. But if you addressed a persons specific concern it can't harm to @-mention them in a comment.
    – Luuklag
    Sep 3, 2022 at 8:42
  • 1
    As for the why this happens: meta.stackexchange.com/a/72076/361484
    – Luuklag
    Sep 3, 2022 at 9:47


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