Starting around 1st of February, I get suddenly logged out from Stack Overflow or other Stack Exchange sites. I observed this effect in the following contexts:
(1) I switch to a browser tab where I logged into some a Stack Exchange session and notice that I have messages in my inbox. At this point, I'm of course still shown as logged in. I click on the inbox icon to see the message, but instead of the message being displayed, I'm now logged out and just see a pop up saying some explanation like "This is the inbox where you receive messages" or so (I don't remember the exact wording). When I log in, I can access my messages as usual.
(2) I'm logged in Stack Overflow in one browser tab and open another tab to some Stack Exchange site in a new tab. Usually, I'm logged in there to, but now it happens quite some time that I'm logged out and have to log in again.
The problem could relate to a short expiration time of a session cookie, because the logging-out happens only after I have worked a certain time.
Platform: Firefox 109 on Windows 10. "Enhanced Tracking Protection" is set to "Standard".
UPDATE : While I can't confirm it yet for sure, I get the impression, that this is somehow related to a timeout. For instance, I read and and respond to something on SO. Then I don't touch the browser for half an hour. Then I reload by SO page and find myself logged out.
UPDATE : I could confirm that the cookies indeed get lost after some time of inactivity. The timeout seems to be around 15 minutes. If I don't do anything on the stackexchange tab, I'm logged out.