As of April 9, 2023 shows the following text
The world’s largest programming community is growing
There is no doubt that programming is the specific topic of the first site, Stack Overflow, and from which the company takes its current name (for advertising / marketing purposes), but "largest programming community" doesn't match Stack Exchange.
From the
Stack Exchange is a network of 180 communities that are created and run by experts and enthusiasts like you who are passionate about a specific topic. We build libraries of high-quality questions and answers, focused on each community's area of expertise.
According to Wikipedia
Stack Exchange is a network of question-and-answer (Q&A) websites on topics in diverse fields, each site covering a specific topic, where questions, answers, and users are subject to a reputation award process.
I know the tour and Wikipedia have different purposes. The text in the About page might be the "elevator pitch," "tagline," "motto," or another text that advertising experts recommended as the first statement in a page like this.
I'm not good at writing in English, or copywriting in my mother tongue either, so please excuse me that I don't provide a better suggestion than the Wikipedia quote, and report this as a bug instead of a feature request.
The title might have sense in 2015, as the first statement of the following paragraph at that time said (source)
Stack Exchange is the largest network of websites for software developers including Stack Overflow, the pre-eminent destination site for programmers to find, ask, and answer their questions.
but nowadays the first statement of the following paragraph says:
Stack Overflow and the Stack Exchange network help people find the answers they need, when they need them.
Even the rest of the paragraph doesn't mention programmers or developers.
I found another description that might be interesting. From Ask technical questions on Stack Exchange | Google Cloud
Stack Exchange is a large community of fellow enthusiasts, motivated by the desire for Stack Exchange reputation, who are likely to provide a great answer.
I found this while contuining my adventure down the rabbit hole.