I just noticed the blog got a new design after following a bug report saying it's down.
Can we get details about the redesign? It looks pretty massive, and I didn't see any post about it, neither in the blog itself nor here.
I just noticed the blog got a new design after following a bug report saying it's down.
Can we get details about the redesign? It looks pretty massive, and I didn't see any post about it, neither in the blog itself nor here.
On Tuesday, August 29, 2023, we released a redesigned blog.
The last redesign was in 2020. We posted on Meta Stack Overflow at the time. No reason why we didn’t post on Meta this time - it was more that we were focused on doing the work and getting the bugs ironed out on the first day. The slow loading is fixed (adjusted caching).
For details, the biggest thing you’ll notice is the look and feel and the new navigation options on the left rail.
Other things we introduced:
Behind the scenes, Stack Overflow staff have benefits too. Things like centralized content creation/editing, improved performance and speed (once all those previously mentioned bugs are addressed), and an ability to make improvements to the blog faster and with less technical work required.
Of course, no one catches every edge case, I’ll be monitoring this for any questions you have or bugs you spot.