
This T-SQL finds all the questions I have answered on SO.


I want to determine if I upvoted the question or not (as I wish to UV ALL questions that I have answered).

I can't see an appropriate column

Database schema documentation for the public data dump and SEDE

nor an applicable API.



1 Answer 1


Votes are anonymous by design so there's no public record of your (or anyone else's) votes. If you upvoted a post you'll have to log in and check on the site itself via the votes tab in your profile.

I'm not sure that upvoting all questions you've answered is a good criteria for upvoting. You're supposed to upvote questions that show research effort, are useful and clear. I suppose if you managed to answer it, it may be clear and you may have checked the other criteria when you answered it but if you didn't, you should before voting.

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