Which SE site should I ask a question regarding the design, invention and production of laboratory equipment and procedures?
Say I have questions regarding the design, invention and production of laboratory equipment and procedures. For example:
(1) Are there open-source robotics for the design/production of an automated chemical synthesis machine?
(2) Is there a systematic process (similar to, for example, the drug discovery and development cycle in https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Drug_discovery_cycle.svg) that one can follow in the improvement and invention of existing analytical procedures in chemistry?
Where should I post them?
Related to this is the question on what field these questions/topics to. I do welcome some side comments and thoughts on whether, in the above:
- question (1) is an issue in the domain of synthetic chemistry, or that of engineering (and if engineering, is it chemical engineering, or is it also electrical engineering and mechanical engineering)
- question (2) is an issue in the domain of analytical chemistry, or that of engineering (and if engineering, is it chemical engineering, or is it also electrical engineering and mechanical engineering)