I've recently been desperately searching for "Hello World" programs for a particular product, and I keep getting SO results that are irrelevant, near the top of my search.
I've just realize that this is because SO has this greeting on many pages...
Hello World! Stack Overflow is a collaboratively edited....
Now, if SO were a less honourable site, I would think this is a deliberate attempt at search engine manipulation, but I don't think SO is that kind of site.
Please ensure that "hello world" only comes from user posts.
[Edit] OK, it looks as if simple "hello world sharepoint web part" is not misdirected.
Try this... '"hello world" sharepoint webpart deploy render'.
An irrelevant SO entry is #4 on the first page. This has been the general direction of my searches - searching increasingly narrowly, for something that was causing me a lot of grief. My impression was that I was getting a lot of these irrelevant SO results, but the impression was wrong.
OK, it's not a general problem, except that "hello world" can be the most difficult thing in some narrow cases, which can lead to this misdirection.
BTW - when has "-1" been used to say "disagree".