This evening I was contacted by a community member who felt my moderator-activity was too frequent. This is following the closing/migrating of several questions. Being a new moderator, I'd like to submit myself to the community for just a moment and invite any and all criticism to better understand what is expected of me from the community.
Unfortunately, only 10k+ users will be able to view the recently-closed page:
For those of you who do not have access to the tools page, here are some recent items that I've participated in:
Clarification on Google Reader Tags
Closed as not programming related by Jonathan Sampson ♦
Reopened following further details from OPDo you program when you’re drunk?
Closed as subjective and argumentative by Jonathan Sampson ♦registering as iPhone developer
Closed as not programming related by Jonathan Sampson ♦Cheapest hosting that comes with smartfox
Closed as not programming related by Jonathan Sampson ♦What free blogging services allow completely custom CSS?
Closed as not programming related by Jonathan Sampson ♦What language makes a strong developer these days?
Closed as subjective and argumentative by bmargulies, cletus, Chacha102, Jonathan Sampson ♦Preventing Gmail from Automatically Adding Contacts
Closed as belongs on by Jonathan Sampson ♦What’s the best site to sell (possibly) used software?
Closed as not programming related by skaffman, Neil Butterworth, Chris Jester-Young, Jonathan Sampson ♦Removing a non empty directory programmatically in C or C++
Closed as exact duplicate by Neil Butterworth, bk1e, Jonathan Sampson ♦Which edition of Windows 7 is most suitable for software developers?
Closed as exact duplicate by APC, jleedev, Jonathan Sampson ♦
10k+ users can continue on their own through the history. I'll close this question with a statement from the response email back to the community member:
Being a new Moderator, I do sincerely appreciate the accountability provided by the community...It is this type of feedback that will ultimately improve Stack Overflow, and I think we're all united in that effort.