Our sites feature a cookie consent banner to ask users for permission to store cookies on their devices. It currently looks like this:
In order for us to continue to serve personalized ads in the EEA (European Economic Area) and UK, we are updating the content and style of our cookie consent banner and cookie settings dialog for users in those regions, to provide a more granular and transparent consent model in accordance with the Transparency and Consent Framework 2.2. These updates will need to be in effect by January 16, 2024.
The updated cookie consent banner is shown below.
Additionally, some of our Stack Exchange sites currently have customized cookie consent banners in which the button colors match the site theme. We have made the decision not to maintain the theme customization matching, as supporting it would require quite a bit of effort/maintenance. As the cookie consent banner is by-design meant to be an intermittent experience, we decided not to invest resources in maintaining that feature. However, the cookie consent banner will continue to support options for light, dark and high-contrast styles.
We’ll slowly begin rolling out this design from December 11. By mid-January, we anticipate having the design fully rolled out for users in the EEA and UK regions. Per regulatory guidelines, users in the EEA/UK must re-consent at certain intervals, so those users will see the new dialog when their consent expires or another condition forces a re-consent.
Thank you for your support as we evolve our site to remain compliant with legal requirements.