The site Beer, Wine & Spirits has the URL but in SEDE it uses beer for the main site and beerme for meta.
As far as I can tell, the shortcut site://
and the magic columns such as [Post Link]
, [User Link]
, [Comment Link]
and [Suggested Edit Link]
work incorrectly on Alcohol Meta.
Here are some queries you can use for testing this.
They seem to work fine for the main site, but not for meta. For example, from the first query you get this URL: - which returns 404. (Incidentally, the URL redirects to the correct page.) Similarly, I get 404 if I try the links for users, comments and suggested edits.
I have posted this on this meta rather on the per-site-meta - maybe some other sites might be influenced too. (I have stumbled upon this one by random.)
There are some older bug reports related to SEDE, broken links and this site - but both of them are already marked status-completed: 404 on Beer Meta image and Data.SE breaks when looking things up on Beer, Wine, and Spirits.
because thebeer
URL change happened before
URL change – and so a redirect wasn't set up for it – but as you point out, this still causes issues when it comes to SEDE. To fix this, a redirect just needs to be set up