This publication is not related to the chat rooms created or derived from the comments on question and/or answer posts.
Maybe this question is bad for old users who already know how to use the entirety and complexity of the site and its tools, but I can't find the right way to transmit certain information to new users, in this case the use of the chat rooms.
I will make these observations as if I were a new user:
First I have seen that each site normally has an active general chat room. The problem is that these have a different name in each site and it is not clear which is which.
When I go to see the chat rooms of a site I find this swarm:
- If I go to the site SO, things don't look very good other than to say:
Some of these chat rooms are oriented to the use of feed or boots... causing a relatively new user, upon seeing this and wanting to interact with the user, not knowing which is the appropriate chat room.
As a foreign language user, I try to understand some of the descriptions of the chat rooms, but some descriptions don't even address the goal or one of the goals of the chat room.
So, based on the previous arguments, I come up with the idea of standardizing at least the name and descriptions of the chat rooms.
- At least if the chat room is for a feed or boot to follow something, putting [Feed Follow] or [Bot Follow] in the description or name would help to recognize it in a simple way.
make the texts a little more descriptive.
- Likewise, if the objective of a chat room is:
Here you can make questions based on opinions to the community.
Here you can ask questions before publishing in META.
Here you can ask questions about how the main site works.
put it in the description.
Premise: I understand that room owners are free to name chat rooms whatever they want, so I may have to persuade them (in chat) to change to more standard names. But what I'm looking for is for the community to agree that if it's a good or bad idea... based on this post then I can tell the owner of the room something like: look, the community thinks it would be good to do this standard, could you help us... etc... etc....
This is not an obligation or wanting to seek a radical change:
I had to try it... Some will see this as a project for individual sites, perhaps some community leader will be interested when they see this post and provoke an initiative on the individual site. I didn't want to keep the idea in my mind. I just want to see how the community reacts.
Project implementation example:
- The general chat of META SE is Tavern on the Meta
The owner of the room could rename it to: [Main]Tavern on the Meta adding leading [Main] User would identify it that is the Main Chat Room of the site.
On the site SO there are two sites that confuse me:
- Meta Stack Overflow ... (is what you can see)
- The Meta Room
In this scenario I would like to see something like: [META Chat] The Meta Room
where [META Chat] indicates is the main META Chat for that site.
View Example:
The truth is that the current design for viewing chat rooms doesn't help much either hahahahahaha.