I'm sorry if this belongs on Meta. From one of my computers (a laptop) I can not access StackOverflow, ServerFault, SuperUser, nor Meta. I can access the StackOverflow blog and Careers. I can access seemingly all other accessible sites on the Internet. I can access these sites from other computers on the network. The problem occurs at both home and work (i.e., in both places, from my laptop I can access the above sites but I have a desktop in each place that can access these sites). I tried from a friend's house too; we can access StackOverflow from his computer but not from my laptop. The problem occurs in both IE and Chrome. I had previously been able to access these sites from this laptop. All relevant systems are Windows XP or Windows Vista. In particular, the laptop is Windows XP. This has been occurring for about a week. What could be causing this?
The error message in IE is
While trying to retrieve the URL: https://stackoverflow.com/
The following error was encountered:
We can not connect to the server you have requested.
This means that:
- The server might be busy at this time.
- The server is not reachable.
Please try later to see if you can go through.
Edit: This problem has now spread to other machines on my team. My internal IT department is useless. If anyone has any ideas I am all ears.