On Super User, I looked for a Linux proportional font terminal, and found OS X or X11 terminal emulator supporting proportional fonts, in which the accepted answer suggested a Mac port of Emacs, but it did not explain how to use Emacs as a proportional font terminal.

I posted a followup question about how to get Emacs to enable the functionality which was migrated to Emacs at How can I use Emacs under Linux Mint as a proportional font Evil-mode editor and a proportional-font terminal?. After upvoting and accepting an answer, I added a breadcrumb comment on the original post's answer, which I was hoping would display with the title.

Instead of displaying the title, it displayed an abbreviation of the URL to the latter link above: For a followup question about how to get Emacs to display the requested behavior, see emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/80572/….

Could the behavior in a question body of displaying internal URLs by a question title instead of the raw URL also be enabled in comments?



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