The situation occurred with two accounts: self SVBazuev and my daughter's AnnaBazueva.
When she sees a question that she can answer, she does it.
We often use one device, it happens like this:
I look at the answers she gave, sometimes she sends me a link to her answer.
If I have comments, I voice them and she corrects them (see the history of edits of answers).
When I have no comments and I find her answer acceptable, I vote for her answer.Other community members can also vote for Anna's answers, both UP and DOWN.
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that at the moment none of her answers have been voted against even once!
This circumstance is indirect evidence that my votes have a basis (they are not a mechanical cheat on Anna's reputation).
In addition to my daughter, I also have a son, Gregory, who is 14 and a half years old,
and soon three accounts will use one device.
I voted for my daughter's answers, and because of this, our accounts are blocked.
I find it useful to reduce the cost of follower (In the sense of allies) votes from 10 to 2 reputation points. This should significantly improve the situation with reputation cheating.
So that it is possible to link accounts into groups, and within the group there are other prices per vote.
And moderators could mark (forcibly make allies) accounts between which cross-voting is observed.
Should this be implemented?