The user profile for Stack Overflow user David lists 229 points for his top rated answer:
229 Programming challenge: can you code a hello world program as a Palindrome? (3)
However, when you view his answer, it lists +43/-1
This looks like a bug to me. I would expect his profile to list something like +42 to his answer:
42 Programming challenge: can you code a hello world program as a Palindrome? (3)
Downvoter helped me realize what's going on... User David has three answers:
- Brainf**k answer +168/-1
- Python answer +43/-1
- John Skeet +25/-5
So the sum of points is 167 + 42 + 20 = 229 == 229
However, the "Answers" in his profile still links to just the Python answer. I find this confusing & think Stack Overflow should have 3 separate answers listed in the users profile.