Possible Duplicate:
Electorate badge progress, Pundit, etc too

This is probably a duplicate but after 10 minutes of reading (very long) threads on the Electorate badge I wasn't able to find the answer.

I know that on my user page my total up/down votes are shown, but is there any way for me to know how many of those votes were on questions vs answers? Specifically, how close am I to get the Electorate badge?

  • Tagged this with 'discussion' but 'support' may have been more appropriate? If so I will change. Commented Apr 3, 2010 at 14:28
  • Thanks for fixing for me @Chacha102! Commented Apr 3, 2010 at 14:33
  • @ChrisF: Yes, it is a duplicate. See my answer Commented Apr 3, 2010 at 16:15

1 Answer 1


OK. It took me 22 minutes of reading. My question is a duplicate of Electorate, Pundit, etc badge progress

Jeff Atwood's answer was accepted for that question, and it basically says that you're not meant to know when you'll get the Electorate badge -- it's supposed to be a surprise.

Some of the badges are supposed to be surprises, not World of Warcraft style level grinds based on numbers.

I worry that if we provide too many metrics:

  • it becomes noise, like a bunch of inscrutable F-16 cockpit gauges -- how are all these numbers useful except for these specific badges?
  • the badge becomes the explicit goal instead of the desired behavior
  • the badges are no longer a pleasant surprise and reward but an expected "level up"
  • I looked for this (I knew it had been asked before), but couldn't find it, so well done on that score.
    – ChrisF Mod
    Commented Apr 3, 2010 at 15:29

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