International English
: [analogue]
: [analyze]
, [analyse]
: [artefacts]
, [artifact]
, [artefact]
: [authorize]
, [authorise]
, [authorizing]
, [authorising]
, [unauthorized]
, [unauthorised]
: [behaviour]
, [behaviors]
, [behaviours]
: [best-practice]
, [best-practise]
, [best-practices]
, [best-practises]
, [best]
+ [practice]
, [best]
+ [practise]
, [best]
+ [practices]
+ [practises]
, [best]
Should [practice]
be merged with this? Should there be/is there a [worst-practice]
: [capitalisation]
, [capitalize]
, [capitalise]
, [capitalized]
, [capitalised]
, [capitalizes]
, [capitalises]
, [capitalizing]
, [capitalising]
: [canceled]
, [cancelled]
, [canceling]
, [cancelling]
: [cataloguing]
, [catalog]
, [catalogue]
, [cataloged]
, [catalogued]
, [catalogs]
, [catalogues]
: [categorising]
, [categorize]
, [categorise]
, [categorized]
, [categorised]
, [categorizes]
. [categorises]
: [centre]
, [centers]
, [centres]
: [colour]
, [colors]
, [colours]
: [connexion]
, [connections]
, [connexions]
: [customisation]
, [customize]
, [customise]
, [customized]
, [customised]
, [customizes]
, [customises]
, [customizing]
, [customising]
: [cypher]
, [ciphers]
, [cyphers]
: [defencive]
, [defense]
, [defence]
, [defenses]
, [defences]
: [dialogues]
, [dialog]
, [dialogue]
: [digitising]
, [digitize]
, [digitise]
, [digitized]
, [digitised]
, [digitizes]
, [digitises]
: [disc]
, [disks]
, [discs]
Is the word disc used in the US for CDs and DVDs? If so, then we need separate [disk]
: [disks]
and [disc]
: [discs]
: [equalisation]
, [equalize]
, [equalise]
, [equalized]
, [equalised]
, [equalizer]
, [equaliser]
, [equalizers]
, [equalisers]
, [equalizes]
, [equalises]
, [equalizing]
, [equalising]
: [aesthetics]
: [evangelising]
: [externalising]
: [factorising]
, [factorize]
, [factorise]
, [factorized]
, [factorised]
, [factorizes]
, [factorises]
: [fibre]
, [fibers]
, [fibres]
: [finalisation]
, [finalize]
, [finalise]
, [finalized]
, [finalised]
, [finalizes]
, [finalises]
, [finalizing]
, [finalising]
: [globalisation]
, [globalize]
, [globalise]
, [globalized]
, [globalised]
, [globalizes]
, [globalises]
, [globalizing]
, [globalising]
Should these be merged with localization?
: [glueing]
: [grey]
, [grayed]
, [greyed]
, [graying]
, [greying]
, [grayish]
, [greyish]
, [grayness]
, [grays]
, [greys]
: [humanising]
, [humanize]
, [humanise]
, [humanized]
, [humanised]
, [humanizes]
, [humanises]
: [humour]
: [images]
: [installs]
, [instals]
: [italicising]
, [italicize]
, [italicise]
, [italicized]
, [italicised]
, [italicizes]
, [italicises]
: [labeled]
, [labelled]
, [labeling]
, [labelling]
: [localisation]
, [localize]
, [localise]
, [localized]
, [localised]
, [localizes]
, [localises]
, [localizing]
, [localising]
Should these be merged with globalization?
: [mitre]
, [miters]
, [mitres]
: [modelling]
, [modeled]
, [modelled]
, [modeler]
, [modeller]
, [modelers]
, [modellers]
: [neighbours]
, [neighbor]
, [neighbour]
, [neighborhood]
, [neighbourhood]
, [neighborhoods]
, [neighbourhoods]
, [neighboring]
, [neighbouring]
, [neighborliness]
, [neighbourliness]
, [neighborly]
, [neighbourly]
: [normalisation]
, [normalize]
, [normalise]
, [normalized]
, [normalised]
, [normalizes]
, [normalises]
, [normalizing]
, [normalising]
: [optimisation]
, [optimize]
, [optimise]
, [optimized]
, [optimised]
, [optimizes]
, [optimises]
, [optimizing]
, [optimising]
: [organisation]
, [organize]
, [organise]
, [organized]
, [organised]
, [organizer]
, [organiser]
, [organizers]
, [organisers]
, [organizes]
, [organises]
, [organizing]
, [organising]
: [paneled]
, [panelled]
, [paneling]
, [panelling]
, [panelist]
, [panellist]
, [panelists]
, [panellists]
: [personalisation]
, [personalize]
, [personalise]
, [personalized]
, [personalised]
, [personalizes]
, [personalises]
, [personalizing]
, [personalising]
: [philosophize]
, [philosophise]
, [philosophized]
, [philosophised]
, [philosophizes]
, [philosophises]
, [philosophizing]
, [philosophising]
: [plagiarize]
, [plagiarise]
, [plagiarized]
, [plagiarised]
, [plagiarizes]
, [plagiarizing]
, [plagiarising]
If we are keeping this one, can someone add in [plagarizm]
if that is a real word please? I am not familiar enough with US spelling to be sure.
: [practise]
, [practiced]
, [practised]
, [practices]
, [practises]
, [practicing]
, [practising]
Should this be merged with [best-practice]
: [prioritization]
, [prioritisation]
, [prioritize]
, [prioritise]
, [prioritized]
, [prioritised]
, [prioritizes]
, [prioritises]
, [prioritizing]
, [prioritising]
: [programmes]
, [program]
, [programme]
: [publicizing]
, [publicising]
, [publicize]
, [publicise]
, [publicized]
, [publicised]
, [publicizes]
, [publicises]
, [publicizing]
, [publicising]
: [randomization]
, [randomisation]
, [randomize]
, [randomise]
, [randomized]
, [randomised]
, [randomizes]
, [randomises]
, [randomizing]
, [randomising]
: [reorganisation]
, [reorganizations]
, [reorganisations]
, [reorganize]
, [reorganise]
, [reorganized]
, [reorganised]
, [reorganizes]
, [reorganises]
, [reorganizing]
, [reorganising]
: [rumour]
, [rumored]
, [rumoured]
, [rumors]
, [rumours]
: [sanitising]
, [sanitize]
, [sanitise]
, [sanitized]
, [sanitised]
, [sanitizes]
, [sanitises]
: [socialization]
, [socialisation]
, [socialize]
, [socialise]
, [socialized]
, [socialised]
, [socializes]
, [socialises]
, [socializing]
, [socialising]
: [stabilization]
, [stabilisation]
, [stabilize]
, [stabilise]
, [stabilized]
, [stabilised]
, [stabilizer]
, [stabiliser]
, [stabilizes]
, [stabilises]
, [stabilizers]
, [stabilisers]
, [stabilizes]
, [stabilises]
, [stabilizing]
, [stabilising]
: [standardization]
, [standardisation]
, [standardize]
, [standardise]
, [standardized]
, [standardised]
, [standardizes]
, [standardises]
, [standardizing]
, [standardising]
: [summarising]
, [summarize]
, [summarise]
, [summarized]
, [summarised]
, [summarizes]
, [summarises]
, [summary]
: [symbolize]
, [symbolise]
, [symbolized]
, [symbolised]
, [symbolizes]
, [symbolises]
, [symbolizing]
, [symbolising]
: [synchronisation]
, [synchronize]
, [synchronise]
, [synchronized]
, [synchronised]
, [synchronizes]
, [synchronises]
, [synchronizing]
, [synchronising]
: [synthesize]
, [synthesise]
, [synthesized]
, [synthesised]
, [synthesizer]
, [synthesiser]
, [synthesizers]
, [synthesisers]
, [synthesizes]
, [synthesises]
, [synthesizing]
, [synthesising]
: [verbalization]
, [verbalisation]
, [verbalize]
, [verbalise]
, [verbalized]
, [verbalised]
, [verbalizes]
, [verbalises]
, [verbalizing]
, [verbalising]
, [vocalization]
, [vocalisation]
, [vocalizations]
, [vocalisations]
, [vocalize]
, [vocalise]
, [vocalized]
, [vocalised]
, [vocalizes]
, [vocalises]
, [vocalizing]
, [vocalising]
: [trialed]
, [trialled]
, [trialing]
, [trialling]
: [tunnelling]
, [tunneled]
, [tunnelled]
: [utilisation]
, [utilizable]
, [utilisable]
, [utilize]
, [utilise]
, [utilized]
, [utilised]
, [utilizes]
, [utilises]
, [utilizing]
, [utilising]
: [virtualisation]
, [virtualizations]
, [virtualisations]
, [virtualize]
, [virtualise]
, [virtualized]
, [virtualised]
, [virtualizes]
, [virtualises]
, [virtualizing]
, [virtualising]
: [visualisation]
, [visualizations]
, [visualisations]
, [visualize]
, [visualise]
, [visualized]
, [visualised]
, [visualizes]
, [visualises]
, [visualizing]
, [visualising]
tag, it doesn't really mean much as a category.[ioc-container]
should become[inversion-of-control-container]
, but that's too long for a tag name. I'm not certain what to do with that specific example right now. Also, this may be of interest as well:…[bug]
tag would have a completely different meaning on stackoverflow and my-housekeeping-advice (sorry, couldn't think of anything better at this hour ;).[alt]
should be handled automatically. What should happen in those situations is to manually disambiguate the tags, then blacklist the ambiguous tag. And yes, it's possible other sites will need a synonym system, but as the SE sites start up, it will be easier for them if they already have a system in place to start than on SO where there's a huge amount of existing data. Regardless, the SE sites vary in topic so much, there would need to be a list for each site, without much crossover.