Just thinking about my post about describing close reasons it strikes me that there are two very distinct kind of questions which are currently being closed:
- Questions which you believe really shouldn't be open, and you'd like to see deleted eventually
- Questions which aren't good in their current form, but could be good after some work
For instance, take this question. It was asked in good faith, but in a needlessly provocative manner which was bound to rile some people up. With a bit of appropriate editing - preferably by the original poster - it could be fine.
Other options could be "please provide more details/code (not enough information)" and "please edit (current wording is extremely unclear)" - perhaps those could be rolled into one, perhaps not. Either way, the OP could be notified that their question isn't likely to get the answers they want due to problems with it.
The currently flagged "please edit this because..." reasons could be visible on the question, and optionally cleared when the question was edited. Whether the question should be closed after enough flags and a long time with no input from the original poster is up for discussion.
One of the repeated complaints about the system is that it's too unkind to newbies, who might ask a question and have it closed very quickly. This would help to reduce that to some extent (although not entirely eliminate it, I'm sure).