This was a question I originally intended to ask before certain temporal anomalies caught my attention.

According to this answer, paying for a bounty will actually reduce your reputation cap. I searched more recent posts, but the majority of posts that deal with both reputation caps and bounty are about the reputation you earn from the bounty, not that lost from payment. Is this accurate to what actually occurs?

My main concerns draw from the following pool of questions.

  1. Does paying a bounty actually reduce the reputation cap still?
  2. After paying a bounty, am I considered to "reach" the reputation cap after getting 200 reputation worth of upvotes, or getting a net daily gain of +200 reputation from upvotes?
  3. After paying a bounty, am I considered to "exceed" the reputation cap after getting over 200 reputation from non-bounty sources, or getting a net daily gain of over +200 reputation from non-bounty sources?
  4. Can tactical bounty assignment be used to aid in avoiding the criteria for certain cap-related badges?

There were a few other questions I figured, but they could all be derived from the answers to the above questions.

1 Answer 1


The reputation cap is currently only based on votes. You can spend as much as you want on bounties and anything else and this should not affect your limit.

Does paying a bounty actually reduce the reputation cap still?


After paying a bounty, am I considered to "reach" the reputation cap after getting 200 reputation worth of upvotes, or getting a net daily gain of +200 reputation from upvotes?

200 reputation period. Not net, but period.

After paying a bounty, am I considered to "exceed" the reputation cap after getting over 200 reputation from non-bounty sources, or getting a net daily gain of over +200 reputation from non-bounty sources?

After you pay a bounty, you can get 200 reputation from up votes. If you paid a 500 reputation bounty, you could get a net -300 that day purely from up votes.

Can tactical bounty assignment be used to aid in avoiding the criteria for certain cap-related badges?

You would need to elaborate on that.

  • To elaborate, if posting a bounty did affect the reputation cap, I was curious if it was then possible to use crafty bounty payment to basically raise the bar or otherwise mar your ability to hit the reputation cap for a particular day, preventing the acquisition of Mortarboard and other related badges.
    – Grace Note StaffMod
    Commented May 26, 2010 at 14:36
  • "200 reputation period. Not net, but period." From this answer, I take that if someone got 100 upvotes and 100 downvotes in a day, that person would wind up capped with a net 0. That's because there is a cap of 200 points coming in, regardless of things that "cost" the person rep, like downvotes or posting bounties. "Not net, but period." Is this correct?
    – WBT
    Commented Jun 6, 2016 at 20:29

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