I checked out these questions:
Where can I find interesting programming discussions?
Can I post “how to” articles here?
What is the etiquette for posting an article?
Featured Articles on SO
As the SO system becomes easier and better to use, I think SO'izing other things could have real benefits, especially since SO/SE is now going to become the owner of many communities, and they won't necessarily be affiliated with additional sites providing these features.
In particular, I take part in other communities where an article is not a Wiki and it has a single owner (this is good for things like real articles, demos and worked examples), the discussion below it is hard to follow (if it is a blog-post-style article), never threaded and doesn't allow comments on comments - and they never have voting.
In other cases, the article may have a thread attached to it in a traditional (barf) discussion forum, and it's linked, but you can't tell how active it is, and there isn't voting.
Any chance, we get an SO treatment of this? (i.e. kind of like an SO'ized blog? or editor-managed site?)
I'm thinking in particular of SQLServerCentral (which has an SE site, but it's not integrated - so they have forums and articles on their regular site, too - but it's painful to use that traditional stuff).
I'm not saying this needs to be a direct peer of the Q&A on the same host, but some of the SO/SE communities may benefit from articles on another host - like ask.actionfigures.com for Q&A and articles.actionfigures.com for user-submitted pricing analysis of Christmas Yodas over the years and blog.actionfigures.com being the "official" blog.