I was trying to find an older answer of mine to this post on SO:
Purpose of private members in a class
I more or less remembered that it was about private members, so I ran a search for user:265143 private
- the post was not found.
Then I tried user:265143 member
- again without success.
Finally user:265143 private member
turned up what I was looking for.
The list of results contained 11 posts for the first query and 19 for the 2nd, so the result lists are not supposed to be paginated. Also, I copied the search terms as they appeared in the Search box after the search returned, so I guess this is not an issue of a word being turned into a tag, as in this post, or omitted, as in here.
This is quite possibly a duplicate, but I just couldn't find any original - please let me know if there is one.