Such as:
Wow, this one is the first I've seen to almost comply with our attribution terms which are linked at the bottom of every single web page we serve up.
Except.. it kind of runs afoul of this:
Visually indicate that the content is from Stack Overflow, Meta Stack Overflow, Server Fault, or Super User in some way. It doesn’t have to be obnoxious; a discreet text blurb is fine.
I don't see any text blurb indicating it's from SO on that page anywhere.
So it's not in compliance and it stays on the list.
Update: we got an email about this, and it appears to be in compliance now:
Stackoverflow team-
I am the programmer for tech.e and I found some concerns about our attribution on here: Did anyone notice that some sites seem to be scraping/republishing SO's posts?
We apologize for the problem, we thought we were meeting the terms, but apparently we fell short. It was not our intent to present this content as our own.
We have updated our content and would ask that you review it and please let us know if it is satisfactory. If it is, please update your forums and let everyone know that we are in full compliance. We have added attribution by our logo and at the bottom of every answer.
Here is a sample link:
.Thank you,
John Curtis
Very nice of them to follow up, and correct the problem! It does look correct now to me.)
These content copies are so annoying, so I created a Safari/Chrome Plugin that rewrites google links and also redirects from efreedom, questionhub, answerspice to stackoverflow. Problem: solved!
It's free and open source, so feel free to use it.
Yes these spammy sites are getting quite annoying. I've resorted to banning them in my search results.
In Google Chrome:
Now I don't see them when searching from the URL bar.
I hadn't, but as they say, it's legal since SO questions are licensed as ShareAlike. I'm not sure whether the attribution is sufficient or not; they link to the questioner and answerer's SO profiles, and mention on the about page that the questions are from SOFU, but Jeff said in a blog about similar sites that he expects links to the original SO question, and I think a mention on every page that the question is from SO, not just a single About page
Google offers an option to block those search results now if you are logged with your google account.
If it doesn't work on your national-specific google site like, you can use link for accessing google, which enforces using
You can then block results from some specific domain if you click on the search result and press back in your browser - then you have the option to use 'Block all efreedom .com results'.
More info:
Could you update your attribution terms to require a Canonical link when the content is presented on a web page?
so:… I noticed that efreedom does have a link stating that the question originated from If you follow the link, it takes you directly to the question/answer. However, you don't really know by looking at efreedom, that the answer also originated from SO. I really don't like the way they scrape the site.