Presented for your enjoyment-slash-amusement.
Email received by [email protected]
from Name
Jesus Christ Almighty, what a f***ing mess of a website. I'm trying to post a question. Just the one, you know, f***ing question. So I sign up for an ID and I'm sent an email that doesn't really tell me what to do apart from clicking some link to verify my email address. So far, so f***ing normal. Then I go to post a question and spend ages typing the f***ing thing in. I put in what I think is my Open ID and when I post the question it tells me to f*** off because there's no OpenID connection endpoint (is this a f***ing website or a f***ing COM interface?). Fine! I go back and type in my f***ing name and my email address. Ah! That's for signing up and my email address is already registered. I still can't f***ing post my question.
No problem. I request my account is "recovered" by typing in my email address. I get another email, asking me to click a link. I do so. I change my password. I'm f***ing logged in. It says "f***ing welcome, Name. | f***ing sign out", f***ing great. I go to post my question again. There's no f***ing connection endpoint.
I give up.
Yours sincerely,
Email response to Name
from [email protected]
Hi Name,
Here's your f***ing account:
It's using the f***ing MyOpenID, so your login should consist of clicking the f***ing myopenid icon on the login page:
I suggest trying to f***ing log in before posting next time, to prevent any issues.
I apologize for the f***ing inconvenience,
Email response from Name
Hahaha. Thankyou. :P