I feel that there should be a period of time after a bounty expires before it is automatically assigned. This way, each bountied question can have its full 7-day timespan for meaningful answers to be added, and no bounty offerer will have to cut a bounty period short or risk missing out on being able to assign a bounty.

A period of 12-72 hours would be more than sufficient IMO.


1 Answer 1


As long as this doesn't also extend the time the question is on the featured tab, I think this is a good idea, and it sounds like that's what you mean

If it does, you're essentially just extending the bounty period, and you have the same problem but 12-72 later than you did before, so that doesn't help any

  • 2
    Right this is nothing about extending the bounty period. It's about the fact you have no time to evaluate the answers after the 7th day whereas you should. Commented Sep 13, 2010 at 19:51

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