I know there's a whole system for calculating the commitment in an Area51 projects.

But wouldn't be great to know who is adding value or how much of the commitment status is added by me?

eg: in the Genexus proposal we have over 170 people commited (most of them newbies) and we're only 5% thru

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1 Answer 1


Because of the complexity of calculation the only way for you personally to affect the commitment level is through UserScore. Since its total value is 500 you could calculate what your personal contribution is.

  • I guess you are right... but still, the Area51 site could do the math for me and show me how I am contributing to the proposal
    – sebagomez
    Commented Oct 7, 2010 at 16:20
  • @sebastian: note, that you have too many low rep users committed. They really need to work on the amount of their rep, otherwise you never get to beta. Commented Oct 7, 2010 at 16:24

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