I've seen some new users lately with very low rep that are asking away and not selecting answers. This hurts them and others. It hurts them because they don't gain the rep of having selected an answer, and it hurts others because they don't award rep where it is deserved. Also, it clutters SE with "unanswered" questions. I understand if user123987 has three or four questions and a 50% or 25% accept rate, but if you've got 10-15 questions and a 10% accept rate, that's chutzpah.
Case in point: Vineeth
I think we need a way to reinforce answering for new users with low accept rates. Perhaps new users should not be able to ask 5 or 10 questions without N% accept rate?
Devil's Advocate:
Maybe the new users haven't been getting satisfactory answers? (Possible, but unlikely. 10+ questions should have four or five good answers at the least. Besides, if the question has three answers and it's been sitting there since January 2010, it's a cop-out on the OP's part.)
That said, I propose a question cap under a certain rep and accept rate combination or at least a more powerful nag for new users with low accept rates. What are your thoughts?