It's been bothering me lately that nearly all of my SO questions are being re-tagged with the tag.
The reason this has been bothering me is that although I use VB.NET as my example code, my questions are generally not about the language but rather about a feature in .net or some .NET Library that I'm using. I can very easily convert an answerers c# code over to and get exactly what I need, however when my post is re-tagged, I fear that my audience is becoming limited because it's not c#.
Currently there are 13,470 questions tagged with, where there are 134,817 questions tagged with c#. All of the questions I've been asking are technically language agnostic however I'm using in the examples that I provide. I don't want to be punished for not using c#, however my audience is thinned out dramatically when a c# developer skims or skips over tagged questions.
I've also noticed that the same thing doesn't happen so often with c#. I did a tag search for .net and in the first two pages of results I got this many results that have c# examples, yet are NOT tagged with the c# tag.
- How to invoke RESTful WCF service method with multiple parameters?
- What are the object requirements (limitations) for storing an object in RavenDB
- XElement fails to load file with accented characters
- Equality for 2 lists of different types
I'm wondering if some sort of guideline can be implemented whereby language specific tags are only added to questions that are in fact language specific?
- How to do a carriage return in VB.NET [Answer]
- tagVB.NET
- How to do a carriage return in C# [Answer]
- tagC#
- Why am I getting NullReferenceException [Answer]
check for null/Nothing
- tag.NET