As far as I understand, questions about discussion on design is now covered on progSE and so on. I am relatively annoyed by the fact that I can give a >10k support on SO, but on progSE I am at around 150, even if most of the reputation I have on SO is due to questions that may be now a better fit for progSE.
Would it be possible to either :
- migrate question (with associated reputation) to progSE, or
- leave the question, but transfer an arbitrary amount of reputation there, or
- grant at least the power to close on progSE if on SO the rep is >10k.
The point I want to make is that, while I can be a programmer and have high rep on SO and no rep on SF, because I know nothing about sysadmin, in the case of progSE if I am reputable on SO, I am reputable as well on progSE, both as a competence in the topic and in the ordinary administration of it.
Just a thought.