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Can I please be trusted to not to script a bot that dumps an endless stream of spam messages into the chat?
[This must have been mentioned before but I’m unable to find it.]
After you post a message in chat, it takes a few seconds (3?) before you can post again. You can submit the message but it will be retained and you need to wait for the amount of time, and click on a link to re-send it.
I get the underlying idea: Flooding is bad, let’s protect against it. Very well.
However, the long delay is prohibitive in normal conversations that often consist of rather short remarks, chained together. It gets worse when posting “smart links”, since links need to be in a separate message to be to be prettied up by the chat system. Consider the following (quite common, I assume) situation where a user is soliciting comments on a source code.
Regular expressions are pretty incomprehensible
What’s going on here?
… try posting that in the chat. It took me perhaps five seconds to write. But if I’m unlucky, it takes > 10 seconds and two clicks to appear in the chat.
Of course, the two first sentences in the message above could have been coalesced. But that’s not how a chat is used. Furthermore, there would still be the problem of posting smart links.