The issue occurs in this question:

linked list in C

It is occurring for me in Chrome (Mac) and Safari (Mac), but it's not occurring in Android 2.1's native browser. Chrome and Safari both use WebKit.

Issue shown in Chrome (notice the fixed width font style)

  • Where are you seeing this? The question? An answer? They all look fine to me. Maybe your page didn't finish loading, and your browser made a best-guess attempt at rendering it with the information it had?
    – Pops
    Commented Feb 1, 2011 at 16:48
  • @populardemand It's occurring in the question. The question's tags, last edit, and author's badge all use a fixed-width font. Commented Feb 2, 2011 at 1:11
  • I'm on a different computer and Internet connection now, and it's still no-repro.
    – Pops
    Commented Feb 2, 2011 at 2:19
  • IIRC, this is due to an old bug and editing the post (even adding just a space) will rerender and fix it. @pop I can repro on Safari.
    – waiwai933
    Commented Feb 2, 2011 at 2:52
  • I can see the same issue on Firefox 4 (Minefield) on Windows 7.
    – user140178
    Commented Feb 2, 2011 at 2:54
  • Ah, I thought the OP was reporting a similar but different bug until the screenshot went up. Glad it's sorted, at any rate.
    – Pops
    Commented Feb 2, 2011 at 15:27

1 Answer 1


Upon investigation of the source and some attempts to reproduce the issue here (see the edit history of this answer), I found that the code was cut-off somewhere in the middle of the bottom section.

Finding no obvious reason why, I made a small edit under the assumption that the database contained some stale formatted version, and that the random cut-off of the post led to a missing close <code> tag. It turns out my edit did, in fact resolve the issue.

On a side note -- and possibly related -- the title wasn't the minimum required 15 characters, so I added a few so that I could actually submit my edit.

  • correct, this was an old rare bug in the server-side markdown renderer.. entering a no-op edit forces it to re-render and fixes it. Commented Feb 2, 2011 at 5:17

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