This is a feature request to offer an alternative to moderators cleaning up comment noise as suggested by Robert in this question, which I'm not entirely comfortable with for these reasons.
Add a "recycling" symbol underneath each comment thread that exceeds two or three comments.
Like so:
If all participants of the comment thread click the flag, the conversation is removed.
Participants remain in control of their conversations, but get a real opportunity to clean up noise - this was very difficult until now (people had to @ each other to delete their comments now, something that was so difficult to do that it was almost never done in practice)
Participants can @username each other to initiate thread recycling
Older conversations are unlikely to be cleaned up this way
Only whole comment threads can be cleaned up. Suggesting selective, "range-oriented" cleanups would be more desirable, but would add a lot of complication to the UI
Just thought I'd throw this out there as an alternative possibility.
if(userID == 2915) comment.discard();