Download Source:
- Install Greasemonkey for Firefox.
- Restart Firefox.
- Return here and click the 'download source' link.
- Once downloaded, click Tools > Greasemonkey > Manage User Scripts
- Select "so-bigbox" from the list, and add the following "Included Pages"
- That's it, you're done.
General Information:
Works on Meta, Stackoverflow, Serverfault, and Super User. Determines your user-id automatically based upon the DOM. You can change it to any other id to spy on your friends.
var user_id = $("#hlinks a[href^='...']").next("a").attr("href").split("/")[2];
user_id = 22656; /* What is Jon Skeet up to lately?
Overwrites previous value. */
Upon page-load When the panel is opened for the first time after a page-load the script will request any lists you've explicitly declared as 'true' within your copy of the script. It will then add a toggle-bar to the bottom of your screen (fixed). Clicking this bar will toggle the search-lists. Searches are now case-insensitive!
Comes with a list of configurable sources. If you don't want to search your own past answers, modify the sources-block:
var user_questions = true;
var user_answers = false; /* I DO NOT want to search my answers */
var user_favorites = true;
Ships with a default cap of 100 recent items. This means your default lists will contain only the 200 most recent items. You can manually change this if you like:
var max_items = 100;