Anybody else feel that the search box is a bit small? I'd like to see it 1.5x to 2x as big as it currently is.
Reason why is that it won't hold a simple search phrase + a couple tags.
Anybody else feel that the search box is a bit small? I'd like to see it 1.5x to 2x as big as it currently is.
Reason why is that it won't hold a simple search phrase + a couple tags.
You do know that the size of the box does not limit the size of the text inside it, right?
I think the search box is the correct size for initiated users and professionals. Any bigger and it would attract attention away from more important areas of the UI and also leave less room for my badge collection.
For new users though it could stand to be bigger/more salient. In fact I suggested making it the landing page for for users who are not signed in and got my hat handed to me. So I think its safe to say its staying where it is.
The search bar now expands when clicked on, roughly to 2.5 times its original width.