When I created the French Language & Usage proposal a few minutes ago, which is a proposal I know to have at least two similar proposals, the suggestions to avoid having duplicate didn't mention French until very much further down the line.
Here's the list I got:
Latin Language and Usage:
Russian language and usage:
English Language & Usage:
Spanish Language and Usage:
Italian Language and Usage: Portuguese Language:
Chinese Language:
Hindi Language:
Speech-Language Pathology:
Planned Languages:
Language Preservation:
SAS Programming Language:
Dutch Language and Usage:
English/French Translation:
Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics (NLP/CL):
Programming Language [closed]:
German language:
French Stack Overflow:
French language:
Le bon usage du français [French usage]:
I could understand all the "Language & Usage" and "Language and Usage" sites being at the top, but why are the ones containing French so far at the bottom? Both "French usage" and "French language" share two words with my proposal. Many of the proposals above them only share one word in common (language).
If the results are always this poor, it's unsurprising that we get so many duplicated on Area51.