I edited some questions before, but now I get an error message when clicking the edit button. I thought there was a problem with the specific question, but I cannot click it on any question.
What's going on?
I edited some questions before, but now I get an error message when clicking the edit button. I thought there was a problem with the specific question, but I cannot click it on any question.
What's going on?
There are a handful of conditions where we will stop accepting suggested edits:
A large number of suggested edits by you were rejected in the past week (at least 5 more than one-third of your accepted edits).
We are out of empty slots in the queue. To prevent the site from being overrun with more suggested edits than available reviewers, each site has a maximum limit of edit suggestions from anyone that can be pending at any given time, and once the limit is reached, no more suggested edits will be accepted from anyone until some pending edits get reviewed. The limit is 40 on most sites, with several exceptions. See here for details.
You have five suggested edits pending (20 on beta sites). Unlike the above limit which is site-wide and applies to the sum total of suggested edits from everyone, this limit is per-user.
There is a pending suggested edit to the post you're trying to edit that hasn't been reviewed yet.
You are not logged in and the post is less than 10 minutes old, or you are trying to edit a tag wiki.
You are on a child meta. (This doesn't apply to tag wikis.)
A moderator has banned you from suggesting edits.
Your account is suspended.
The post is locked.
You are editing anonymously, and one of your edits triggered our spam filter.
In most cases, you will still see the edit button, but you will get an error message if you try to click it. However, in case 5 above, no edit button will be shown, and in case 10, it will link to another page explaining that your IP address is banned. (Note: the "edit history" link there will redirect to the homepage; this is a known bug.)