This question "Egyption Fractions in C" was originally posted with the following tags:
java c artificial-intelligence fractions
The question was obviously not about artificial-intelligence, so I took advantage of my >12K reputation to remove it via the "edit tags" link.
A few hours later I come back and Ashot Martirosyan posted a comment about why I have removed the math tag. Confused, I went back to the edit history of the question and indeed it showed that I removed the math tag. Now, I'm not a math professor but I'm not math illiterate. I can tell that the question had something to do with math.
It shows that I've submitted the edit at 2011-03-20 05:55:15Z
. Ashot Martirosyan submitted this edit at 2011-03-20 05:55:14Z
Clearly I didn't see that the tags were fixed before I've submitted my tag edit since my edit and Ashot Martirosyan's were one second apart. I'm sure the total time for me to read the question, read the tags, make the proper mouse movements and keystrokes then submitting the edits takes much longer than one second.
Apparently the tag editing system used some kind of position-based indexing system since artificial-intelligence and math occupied the same position relative to java and c, so instead of removing artificial-intelligence it removed Ashot Martirosyan's math edit instead.
Now, I realize that concurrent editing is going to happen on a site as popular as Stack Overflow. But is it possible to make the engine powering Stack Overflow figure out that my edits were based on outdated previous edits? I realize that I get notified for concurrent post edits asynchronously, but I was hoping it could work like version control where I get notified of conflicts if I attempt to push my changes.