One of the best things SO did IMHO was to correctly order the HTML title in the order:
{Question Title} - {SiteName}
This was great because we knew the site name (and the favicon is a better indicator once you recognize it), it was the question that was important.
Especially now, that browsers have almost all truncated the title into only the tab title of a webpage the first 20 characters are the critical ones to define a page.
However I now see that questions are titled as:
{Random TagName} - {Question Title} - {SiteName}
Thus when I look at a bunch of tabs I have open now I see:
"javascript - runni..." "project hosting - ..." "version control - ..." "javascript - How t..."
All of which are pretty useless as descriptions for which question is which.
Update: here's a screenshot showing how useless the titles now are:
Now which tab was the HTML5 video question? (hint its the 8th tab)
If you'd still like to keep a tag name in the title that's ok, but the hierarchy of the title should go from small/finite to biggest/general, thus in this order.
Item - Category - Site
{Question Title} - {Random TagName} - {SiteName}
Is there any chance we can get the order of labels in the title corrected?