I would like to suggest a standard mechanism to mention users and link to their answers. I edit a large number of posts on the ServerFault and Unix site and have observed that people (including me) really have no idea how to link to or even mention other answers. It is not uncommon for one answer to reference another and build off of it. While I understand this should be kept at a minimum so that each answer has stand alone value, it is often practical to say something like "Displayname's answer works for x and y cases, but here is a solution for in case of z." Of course there are other examples. I have even seen this done where the links span multiple questions.
On a related note, comments frequently "@mention" users, but most people know the convention, it is not clear how to handle monikers with spaces. Of course since these are all manual references, if somebody were to change their display name, all their @mentions would break in an ugly way.
I would suggest two related mechanisms, the one building on the other.
An autocomplete @mention system that completes to names of other users who have participated in the question in any way (asker, answerer, commentor, editor). This should have an interface similar to twitter/facebook mention systems, and should simply produce a link to the users profile with link text of their current display name. A fancy popup like you do for tags with extra user information and links would be icing on the cake. The ability to link to a user not participating in the current question by userid should also be considered as a way to draw peoples attention. e.g. "Perhaps @Displayname could shed some light on this."
Somewhat harder to implement in a user friendly way would be an extension of the above that linked to a specific answer instead of the user profile. Perhaps links in the format should could be auto-titled with "Displayname's answer", or perhaps starting an @mention in an answer should prompt with a list of answers to the current question to link to instead of the users profile and the link text should read "Displayname's answer".