There is this new acceptance rate feature that appears beneath my signature card when I ask a question.
How do I display all my questions with unaccepted answers? How can I easily see the list of questions that have not been checked as accepted?
There is this new acceptance rate feature that appears beneath my signature card when I ask a question.
How do I display all my questions with unaccepted answers? How can I easily see the list of questions that have not been checked as accepted?
Use this as a search:
user:me hasaccepted:0
I think you can do this using the Advanced Super Ninja Search Options
user:me hasaccepted:0 closed:0
in the search box in the top right
In your profile questions with accepted answers show differently than answers without; just like on the question browsing pages of SO. On SO and meta the number of answers has a background of green, on SU I believe it is blue and on SF red.