See also: Should downvotes on questions be "free"?
Ever since downvotes for questions have been made free, I find that I've been more actively voting (both up and down) on questions. The old -1 rep penalty was a major deterrent for me for downvoting terrible questions, especially when there are so many of them and the askers have no intention on staying in the community. Voting to close was my main way of dealing with these questions. I know many people feel the same way.
Unfortunately, I don't think many people who regular Stack Overflow but not meta are even aware of this change. They too probably would be voting much more had they known.
For example, there was a question that came out which was essentially a "plz send teh codez!"
kind of question. I saw the question and the request and saw this is not a question for Stack Overflow so I downvoted it and voted to close as NARQ. It took a little while but as others saw the question, they agreed and voted to close it. As of right now, the question only has two downvotes (mine and the NARQ close). Immediately after closing, the person "asked" again the same question. It immediately was closed as being an exact duplicate of the previous question. It only has one downvote (mine). I bet there would be a lot more if people were more aware of this.
Question #1:
Question #2:
Is there anything that can be done to raise awareness of this change? I think the more people start using it, the less likely we'll see 0 vote bad questions and the better Stack Overflow will be. I added a comment trying to point out that it is free now but it was too late and I don't think people have seen it. Perhaps a one time reminder when you vote to close a question as off-topic or not a real question?