So JA wants to restructure the /faq page for SE sites. Because current /faqs suck. Or at least that's my assumption.
I think there's another assumption we should examine...
Why have a /faq page at all?
Here's my reasoning.
- Nobody reads the /faq.
- When was the last time you read it?
- It isn't a "faq" at all.
- What "Frequently Asked Questions" do you see in the /faq?
- "Be Nice" isn't a question.
- Compare the /faq to an average chunk of support questions here
- FAQs suck in general
- When was the last time you actually saw a frequently asked question in a FAQ?
- Your average FAQ is just questions that some website designer thought might be asked, and are about that accurate
- When was the last time you had a question answered by one?
- Meta is the best FAQ
- We've got a whole bunch of faq tagged questions
- They actually ARE frequently asked questions
- They can be edited and expanded by high-rep users
Perhaps the page should be removed, and the link be retargeted to faq?