Sometimes you ask a question on Stack Overflow, or Server Fault, and I'm sure it will happen on Super User, that lends itself to multiple correct responses, like a list. Is there anything to handle such a thing? The situation I am thinking about is when the response would end up being a list and multiple people would add input, but there is more than one correct answer.
Is the proper thing to do for this type of question just not to award anyone a correct answer or award the correct answer the best answer? What happens if you award the correct answer and someone comes along latter with a better answer?
This is oversimplified to make the point but hopefully you get the idea.
Q: What is a good place to find information on programming?
A1: Stack Overflow (
A2: MSDN (
A3: Channel 9 (
Now obviously this question has a best answer, but the others are good too. I kind of had a hard time thinking of this example, but in the past this has bothered me. Maybe it really doesn't occur often enough to be an issue.