The Stack Exchange Team has recently unveiled Blogoverflow, the new blogging platform for SE sites and users. The Super User Blog has been running for almost 8 months now, and we're starting to have some issues with writers "burning out", where writers seem to either get too busy, or no longer have an interest due to overwhelming in writing for the blog. I foresee that this issue will also arise for many of the other blogs that have already started, or may start soon.
I'm looking for suggestions/ideas of how to raise more attention and participation on the blogs. How do we get more writers to start blogging for us so that we don't have any writers burn out on us? How can we keep current writers involved and interested?
Here's what we've done thus far:
- Created 'community ads' that are displayed on the site
- Looked at great answers/questions and directly asked the OP/Answerer if they've wanted to blog about the topic
- Created a public chat room to attract users to the blog